
Jul 20, 2024

Jul 21, 2024


Valais Wallis Promotion
1950 - Sion


The night owls are already calling out to hikers from the treetops: the 18th Swiss Hiking Night will be held on the weekend of 20 and 21 July 2024. All the offers are available on the new website. And the selection of hikes has never been greater than it is this year. 5pm, 10pm or 1.30am? These are rather unusual departure times for guided hikes, except on a Swiss Hiking Night weekend. For the 18th time, some 2,000 participants spread out across Switzerland to discover the hiking trails by moonlight. There's a wide range of activities on offer again this year, from family hikes at dusk to demanding night hikes that culminate in the sunrise. The shortest hikes last between one and two hours, while the longest exceed six hours. The organisers have also put together a varied programme to keep the night owls on their toes. Guided walks are listed on the platform. OBSERVE NATURE FROM A DIFFERENT ANGLE "A night-time hike puts our senses to the test, making us more alert than we would be during the day, so that we can perceive smells, distant noises or the warmth of a campfire on our skin," explains mountain guide Barbara Bieri. During the Swiss Hiking Night, she charms participants with the sounds of her alphorn and guides them through the lush forests and meadows around Escholzmatt. "With a bit of luck, we'll also see some roe deer or hear a tawny owl", she continues. RECORD NUMBER OF NIGHT-TIME HIKES Never before have so many night-time hikes been planned across the country as this year. "With 116 offers, we have beaten last year's record. We're delighted to have been able to encourage so many organisers to take part in Hiking Night," says Patricia Cornali, project manager for the Suisse Rando association. To ensure that participants don't get lost in their search for a suitable hike, given the growing choice, the association has equipped the revamped website with a more precise search function. For example, hikes can now also be filtered according to their degree of difficulty. "All that's left now is to hope that the weather holds out, so that we can perhaps also beat a new participation record", concludes Patricia Cornali. Note : Ce texte a été traduit par un logiciel de traduction automatique et non par un traducteur humain. Il peut contenir des erreurs de traduction.


Sion17.07.2024 02:07

18°partly cloudy

  • 16°
  • 29°
  • 75%
  • 5km/h

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