
Tour du Val d’Hérens: Evolène to Cabane Becs de Bosson (stage 4)

Auf dem Weg zur Cabane des Becs de Bosson


The 4th stage of the Tour du Val d’Hérens is an exhilarating climb through alpine pastures and forest to a high-altitude refuge with the finest views of the whole circuit.




10.84 km


5:30 h


The 4th leg of the 5-stage Tour du Val d’Hérens offers an experience of the many faces of the alpine valley, from its riverside meadows up to the highest point along the entire trail. The starting point could not be more picturesque: Evolène, with its beautifully preserved wooden houses and barns adorned with flowers. No wonder this was recently voted the prettiest village in French-speaking Switzerland.

The path leads up through alpine pastures that are home to the stocky black cows of the Herens breed, which take their name from the valley – and have become a symbol of Valais. These combative cows fight naturally in order to establish a hierarchy in the herd; hikers will often see pairs lock horns until one turns tail. Organised fights are a popular attraction for locals and tourists alike; the cows’ Raclette cheese, served melted, is prized throughout Switzerland.

Beyond the pastures, the trail climbs through forests of larch to reach the Pas de Lona (2,787 m), which links the Val d’Hérens with the Val d’Anniviers. The view from the summit is bewitching: over a wide plateau of flower-filled alpine meadows, scattered with lakes. The pass makes an ideal refreshment stop before the final climb.

This leads up to the Cabane des Becs de Bosson, a welcoming mountain refuge at the highest point of the whole 5-day tour (2,985 m). The views, too, are the finest along the whole route, taking in Mont Blanc along with many of the 4,000-metre peaks of Valais.



  • Evolène – picturesque village of wooden houses adorned with flowers
  • Pas de Lona – high pass overlooking a plateau scattered with lakes
  • Cabane des Becs de Bosson – friendly refuge, highest point of tour, sensational views


Turn-by-turn directions

The fourth stage of the Tour du Val d’Hérens leads northwards from the village of Evolène, scaling steadily the valley’s flanks before turning east to climb to the Pas de Lona. From here, the trail turns northwards for a final zig-zag ascent to the Cabane des Becs de Bosson.

It is possible to start this walk at other villages in the Val d’Hérens. Hikers on stage 3 down from Arolla may choose to spend the night at Les Haudères or La Sage, for example, and begin stage 4 from there – or alternatively take the postal bus to Evolène before starting the walk. 



Evolène (1373m)


Cabane des Becs de Bosson (2982m)

Author's recommendation

When arriving in Val d’Hérens, have a rest at the Euseigne pyramides shaped by the rain and by the melted snow.

Technical information












Best time of the year

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec


  • Linear route
  • Multi-stage route
  • Scenic
  • Geological highlights
  • Fauna
  • Cultural/historical interest
  • Flora
Getting there

Public transport

Train to Sion, then postal bus to Evolène. At the end of the walk, stay overnight at the Cabane des Becs de Bosson. Continue the next day on stage 5 of the Tour du Val d’Hérens, or descend to one of the other villages in the Val d’Anniviers or Val d’Hérens; all are accessible by postal bus from Sion station. Find full timetable information at sbb.ch.


A9 motorway, exit 27 (Sion-Est), follow signs for Evolène.


At Evolène or one of the other villages in the Val d’Anniviers or Val d’Hérens, depending on itinerary the following day. All are connected by postal bus.


We recommend: 

  • good footwear
  • clothing suitable for the weather: always carry a waterproof jacket
  • hat or cap
  • sunscreen
  • bottle for water
  • picnic
  • camera
  • binoculars (optional)
  • hiking poles (optional)
  • printout of this hike (click «Print» icon, to download)  

For certain walks:

  • Swimwear

Safety information

Use of the trails and the information on this website is at hikers’ own risk. Local conditions may entail changes to routes. Valais/Wallis Promotion accepts no liability for the accuracy and completeness of information on this website.

For all hikes:

  • Bring a map. Download full description of this route including large-scale map by clicking on «Print» icon, top right of this page.
  • Use marked trails only, and observe all signposting – for your own safety, to safeguard grazing animals and to avoid disturbing wildlife.
  • Close gates after passing through.
  • Please be considerate to other trail users, and to the plants and animals.
  • Do not leave any waste in nature.

For mountain hikes:

  • Take extra care protecting yourself from the sun at altitude. UV radiation can be exceptionally strong, even in cloudy weather.
  • Plan hike carefully: take into consideration fitness level of each participant, weather forecast and season.
  • Weather conditions can change quickly in the mountains, without warning. Appropriate clothing is therefore essential, along with adequate supplies of food and water. In uncertain weather, turn back in good time.

For high-altitude hikes:

  • Inform others of the route you plan to take. Whenever possible, avoid going alone.
  • Do not venture onto glaciers without a mountain guide.
  • Take note of the warning signs that point out the constant danger in river beds and along watercourses below dams and reservoirs: water levels may rise rapidly without warning.

Additional information

More information about the destination: 


The tourist office in Evolène has got brochures and information material about hiking in the region.


SwissTopo maps 1:25’000: 1327 Evolène / 1307 Vissoie


This activity is brought to you by Valais/Wallis Promotion

View of the Cervo hotel with the Matterhorn in the background, Zermatt. Valais, Switzerland.

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